Barriere Senior Boys basketball team not moving on to Provincials

Barriere Secondary Senior Boys basketball team placed fourth in the Okanagan finals last weekend in front of a cheering gallery on home turf.

Barriere Secondary Senior Boys basketball team placed fourth in the Okanagan finals last weekend in front of a cheering gallery on home turf.

The team won their first game on the Thursday, then lost their second game the next day by 10. Saturday they won 82–53, then played again in the afternoon for a spot in the Provincials, but lost the game, finishing in fourth place.

The Okanagans were a great event to be able to host in the community, and a big thank you goes out to all the volunteers who helped to make this happen.

Thank you also to everyone who came out and cheered for the team. You are very much appreciated.

It has been a whirlwind season for the Senior Boys team, it has also been a great season.

Good job team!

Barriere Star Journal