BASEBALL: Vancouver Coastal mercies Fraser River

Squad now advances to gold-medal round on Sunday at DeLair Park

Allan Dai takes to the mound for Fraser River during baseball action on Saturday afternoon at DeLair Park in Abbotsford.

Allan Dai takes to the mound for Fraser River during baseball action on Saturday afternoon at DeLair Park in Abbotsford.

What started out as an evenly matched game after the first four innings turned into an 11-1 mercy win for Vancouver Coastal over Fraser River on Saturday afternoon at DeLair Park in Abbotsford.

The two squads faced each other in the semi-finals to determine who will play for gold and who will square off for bronze in the final games tomorrow during BC Summer Games action.

Fraser River got things started with a run in the second inning, when Liam Knight hit a solid line drive to bring in the runner.

Vancouver responded with its own run in the fourth inning on a beautiful double to left field off the bat of Jared Romaniuk.

Things got messy for Fraser River in the following inning, starting with Vancouver’s third at bat, lead-off hitter Dustin McElwain and his line drive to right field.

This was followed by six more hits, one hit by pitch, and three walks, resulting in three Fraser River pitchers being pulled from the mound.

When the dust had cleared, Vancouver tallied 10 runs in the fifth inning. Fraser River was unable to respond, and the 10-run mercy rule came into effect.

Vancouver Coastal now plays in the gold-medal game, starting tomorrow at 9 a.m. at DeLair Park, while Fraser River plays in the bronze game, scheduled for 8:30 a.m. at McMillan Park.

Their opponents were to be determined in the other semi-final match, which began at 4 p.m. today at DeLair between Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island Central Coast.

In earlier baseball action Saturday:

– Vancouver Island Central Coast A defeated Fraser River A 9-4

– Fraser River won over Fraser Valley A 9-0

– Fraser Valley beat Vancouver Coastal 7-3

– Vancouver Island Central Coast defeated Thompson-Okanagan 6-0


Abbotsford News