Basketball teams win school district titles

Georgia Avenue, Frank J. Ney elementary school teams win girls' bantam basketball league championships.

Last week we caught up on recognizing some of the top local basketball squads at the elementary school level from the past season. Boys’ teams were featured last week, so we now turn the spotlight on some talented young girls’ teams…

As was the case with the boys, bantam (born 2000-01) girls’ basketball offered separate leagues for teams from schools with a total population of over 250 students and for those from smaller schools.

Bill Rounis coordinated the league for larger schools. Post-season playoffs led to a district championship for the entry from Georgia Avenue Elementary. Bringing home the first-place pennant for their school were players Sara Kishawi, Jasmine Milburn, Madison Turnbull, Elizabeth Grychuk, Emily Bellerose, Chiara Dulay, Sierra Clark and Jocelyn Powell. Coach for the winning group was Larry Dean.

Teams from Mountain View Elementary earned both second and third places in the district playoffs. On the roster of the second-place squad were players Taya Kirk, Autumn Fraser, Amanda Campbell, Megan Poteryko, Carmen Doumont, Sara Marshall, Hannah Baggott, Maryn Young, Jayden Saywell, Keianne Nowicki, Nicole Wilson and Keme Snaydon.

In third place came the team of Amanda Merner, Kenzie Guild, Maria Gregson, Abbi Chappell, Hannah Proud, Emily Epps, Danielle Norman, Arielle Dupuis, Jamee Hubbard and Ava Johnson. Tonia Collins was the sponsor for both teams, while coaching duties were shared by Glenn Johnson, Rachel Kirk, Jennifer Merner, Maddy Dawson and Ryan Doumont.

Claiming the fourth-place pennant were the girls representing Forest Park.

Looking after the elementary league for girls’ basketball in smaller schools was Michael Lundine and he sends word that in the playoff final Frank J. Ney prevailed over Pauline Haarer to take the district title. On the victorious Ney squad were players Woojin Kim, Kim McDonald, Nadia Pizzingrill, Victoria Sunnar, Angela Webber, Victoria Weiss, Larissa Hubka, Pariya Sadeghi, Jensen Schmidt and Katelyn Robertson.

On the court representing Pauline Haarer were Cassandra Hartwich, Kendra Falkenberg, Maddy Jones, Ivy Hamer, Nora Rainboth, Mikaella Payne, Alexis Sokoloski, Aiden Mayhew, Sam Hall, Sessaly Buck and Nicola McColl. Coaching the team was Michael Lundine.

In third place overall came the entry from Cilaire Elementary. At that school, Mike Silverton coached players Jasmine Wilkinson, Erin Jensen, Kiana Hodge, Jade Bodner, Lisa Deptuck, Jesse Park, Jessie Allen and Ashley King.

The bantam girls representing Seaview took fourth in the district playoffs.

And with the above teams now acknowledged, the Thorpe Report is going to take a break for a few weeks to enjoy our summer sun.

Whatever your sport, a reminder in closing to play your hardest, play fair, and show good sportsmanship.

Nanaimo News Bulletin