BCHL partners with Eligibility Wizard Inc.

Eligibility Wizard Inc. is an online tool to make sure BCHL skaters meet NCAA elibility requirements

The BC Hockey League (BCHL) Board of Governors has secured a partnership with Eligibility Wizard Inc.

Eligibility Wizard Inc. is an online way for solution for teams, educational advisors and BCHL players to ensure they are meeting all of the academic requirements needed to move on to NCAA hockey.

“The BCHL prides itself on developing athletes on and off the ice while providing them with the resources required to further their athletic careers and reach their educational goals,” said BCHL Deputy Commissioner Steven Cocker. “We are extremely excited to partner with Eligibility Wizard to ensure our athletes are NCAA compliant and set them up for success at the next level.”

In 2019-20, the BCHL set a league record with 196 college-committed players, including 179 to NCAA programs.

“The BCHL has a rich tradition of placing student athletes into the NCAA and that was important to us,” said Eligibility said Wizard CEO Peter Torsson. “Much like the BCHL brand, those of us at Eligibility Wizard Inc. pride ourselves in service excellence. Our hope is to provide a solution that not only clarifies NCAA academic eligibility but also enables BCHL players a strengthened likelihood of playing college hockey.”

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