BCSS’ Kari Durban headed to BC Summer Games for hoops

Boundary Central Secondary School Grade 8 student Kari Durban is excited to be participating in this year’s BC Summer Games.

Kari Durban playing basketball during regular season with her high school team.

Kari Durban playing basketball during regular season with her high school team.

Boundary Central Secondary School Grade 8 student Kari Durban is excited to be participating in this year’s BC Summer Games with her fellow basketball teammates.

Competing against 25 other girls in the initial tryout, Durban was able to make the second cut where there were 14 other girls remaining.

In the end, Durban noted that 12 girls made the team.

“The tryouts went well even though I didn’t think I would get in because some of the other girls were really good,” she said. “The 12 girls on the team are from Greenwood to Sparwood.”

The last practice for the West Kootenay girls was on May 20, but there will be two camps leading up to the BC Summer Games at the end of July.

“We’ll be going to Gonzaga for the July 1 weekend, and there’s another camp from July 10 to 13 too,” she said. “Last month the Kootenay Lakers team went to Langley for the provincials.”

Her team played four games and won one out of four.

“This has been an awesome experience and I can hardly wait for the BC Summer Games!” she added.

What Durban enjoys best about basketball is the team environment and the new friends she is able to make.

“The girls on my team are crazy! They are so much fun to be around,” she said, adding that basketball feels more involved. “In soccer you have to pass the ball and concentrate on shooting but with basketball it (feels) more like a team sport because you have to work together.”

Last year, Durban was able to travel to Castlegar and the United States to play basketball.

The BC Summer Games will be held in Surrey, B.C. this year, between July 9 and 22.

Grand Forks Gazette