Big year for youth soccer

 Campbell River Youth Soccer Association (C.R.Y.S.A.) is preparing for a new season and this is going to be a big one.

 Campbell River Youth Soccer Association (C.R.Y.S.A.) is preparing for a new season and this is going to be a big one.

“Our mission is to promote the game and develop the skills of both male and female soccer players in Campbell River,” said Sean Arbour, Vice President. “ Our registration for our spring league starts on Saturday for what promises to be our biggest year yet.”

The spring league is open to all ages from tots to U18s; games will be played each Sunday from March 27 to June 19.

C.R.Y.S.A. is also looking for team coaches and volunteers to help with the program.

Youth Soccer is also looking for sponsors to help fund their program.

Additionally the Island Mini World Cup will be held in Campbell River this year, a tournament for younger players.

The world cup will attract up to 80 teams from all across the Island over the weekend of May 14 and 15 and will be a great advertisement for the city.

Campbell River Mirror