The Bighorn Bow Hunters Club of 100 Mile House hosted a 3D Archery shoot on the weekend, drawing 99 shooters.
They competed on a beautiful course laid out at 99 Mile, on the 100 Mile Snowmobile Club grounds.
Weather was spectacular for the two-day event that saw many of the participants camp at the site.
“By all of the comments, the shoot was a success and everyone enjoyed themselves,” says club treasurer, Tamara Van Loon.
Local winners from the many divisions were:
Recurve men’s: Bob Plewes, third.
Recurve men’s masters: Adrian Messner, first; Frank Lanchester, second; and Wayne Parks, third.
Recurve ladies: Tamara Van Loon, first; Denise Nelson, second; and Sandra Pickering, third.
Recurve junior: Sebastian Riley, first; Baden Riley, second; and Brandon Reichardt, third.
Longbow men’s: Yak Crame, first; Rob Altmannshofer, second; and Alan Reichardt, third.
Longbow men’s masters: Ted Swift, first; Rick Jones, second; and Allen Pickering, third.
Longbow ladies: denise swift, first; Shawn Altmannshofer, second.
Unlimited men’s masters: Todd Poirier, third.
Unlimited ladies masters: Patricia Parks, second.
Unlimited ladies: Brenda Williams, second.
Unlimited youth: Wesley Silverton, first.
Bowhunter men’s masters: Bob Hadden, first.
Bare bow cubs: Owen Pincott, first.
Bare bow mini cubs: Mason Pincott, first; Anthony Silverton, second.