Bighorn Bow Hunters host 3D shoot

Tamara Van Loon has had a pretty good run going lately by winning the ladies' recurve competition at the Bowhunters of BC Traditional Provincial Championships Rendezvous here on the Victoria Day long weekend and repeating the performance at the Bighorn Bow Hunters Club's 3D shoot last weekend.

Tamara Van Loon has had a pretty good run going lately by winning the ladies' recurve competition at the Bowhunters of BC Traditional Provincial Championships Rendezvous here on the Victoria Day long weekend and repeating the performance at the Bighorn Bow Hunters Club's 3D shoot last weekend.

The Bighorn Bow Hunters Club of 100 Mile House hosted a 3D Archery shoot on the weekend, drawing 99 shooters.

They competed on a beautiful course laid out at 99 Mile, on the 100 Mile Snowmobile Club grounds.

Weather was spectacular for the two-day event that saw many of the participants camp at the site.

“By all of the comments, the shoot was a success and everyone enjoyed themselves,” says club treasurer, Tamara Van Loon.

Local winners from the many divisions were:

Recurve men’s: Bob Plewes, third.

Recurve men’s masters: Adrian Messner, first; Frank Lanchester, second; and Wayne Parks, third.

Recurve ladies: Tamara Van Loon, first; Denise Nelson, second; and Sandra Pickering, third.

Recurve junior: Sebastian Riley, first; Baden Riley, second; and Brandon Reichardt, third.

Longbow men’s: Yak Crame, first; Rob Altmannshofer, second; and Alan Reichardt, third.

Longbow men’s masters: Ted Swift, first; Rick Jones, second; and Allen Pickering, third.

Longbow ladies: denise swift, first; Shawn Altmannshofer, second.

Unlimited men’s masters: Todd Poirier, third.

Unlimited ladies masters: Patricia Parks, second.

Unlimited ladies: Brenda Williams, second.

Unlimited youth: Wesley Silverton, first.

Bowhunter men’s masters: Bob Hadden, first.

Bare bow cubs: Owen Pincott, first.

Bare bow mini cubs: Mason Pincott, first; Anthony Silverton, second.


100 Mile House Free Press