Bill Fraser Martial Arts team in top form

Locals do extremely well at Be First Tournament in Victoria

TURNING IN STRONG performances in Victoria were (left to right) Cullen Kendall, Alma Ballington, Bill Fraser, Evan Pearcy, Brendan Abrau and Nathan Swayze.

TURNING IN STRONG performances in Victoria were (left to right) Cullen Kendall, Alma Ballington, Bill Fraser, Evan Pearcy, Brendan Abrau and Nathan Swayze.







On Nov. 23 a group of students and the head instructor from local martial arts academy, Bill Fraser Martial Arts, made its way to Victoria for the 11th Be First Tournament at the Pacific Institute for Sports Excellence.

The tournament allows competitors to demonstrate their skills in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (both Gi and no Gi) as well as kickboxing against students of other schools in an environment that thrives on camaraderie and sportsmanship. One of the things that martial art teaches is respect for your opponent, which is something that the students of Bill Fraser Martial Arts fully understand.

The day went very quickly with the group literally hitting the ground rolling. First up was Alma Ballington in the women’s Gi division. Despite no warm-up Alma won both her matches, first by winning on points and the other by submitting her opponent using a guillotine choke.

The other divisions also went very quickly. The advanced division was a showcase of incredible Brazilian Jiu Jitsu talent with both Nathan Swayze and Bill Fraser competing. Both fighters performed admirably and set a great example for their teammates with lower belt levels.

After several five- minute matches Bill Fraser came out on top taking the gold medal in the No Gi division. There was no rest for Nathan Swayze who then immediately competed in the Gi advanced division. Nathan had seven matches between the two divisions, all lasting five minutes. Unfortunately he finished just outside of the medals. Nathan is always an example to everyone of sportsmanship and skill and the fact that he competed for 35 minutes straight with only short breaks is awe inspiring.  By comparison, a championship MMA fight is 25 minutes long.

The adult novice category had Cullen Kendall and Evan Pearcy both competing in the Gi division. Both did very well against fellow Jiu Jitsu students that included a blue belt. Their hard work and dedication to training was evident. Evan also competed in the no Gi novice division earning him a silver medal.

Cullen Kendall, the academy’s only kickboxer competing this time, did very well considering only just finishing the Gi Jiu Jitsu division. He has been training hard which was rewarded with a silver medal in novice men’s.

The students of Bill Fraser Martial Arts once again performed well at the tournament showing their ever-growing skill level thanks to their instructor and coach Bill Fraser who not only competed but also coached all of his students’ matches. Not an easy feat.

Anyone interested in learning Muay Thai, BJJ or MMA is welcome to come and take part in the toughest workout you will ever love.  Whether it’s for self-defence, fitness or the love of the sport, all are welcome.  Contact Bill Fraser Martial Arts through its Facebook page, website or by calling Bill at 250-465-9073.


– Bill Fraser Martial Arts



Comox Valley Record