Boys basketball team played their best

Nakusp was host to a boys basketball tournament last weekend, with all the games taking place at the Nakusp Secondary School gym.

  • Feb. 18, 2015 12:00 p.m.

Trisha Shanks

Arrow Lakes News

Nakusp was host to a boys basketball tournament last weekend, with all the games taking place at the Nakusp Secondary School gym. Five teams from the region participated: Armstrong, Lumby, Mt. Sentinel, Trail and Nakusp.

Despite best efforts, the NSS Cougars weren’t able to secure a win during any of their four games.

“We are a younger team so we are progressing, we are learning a lot. It’s a tough competition,” relayed Coach Seamus O’Connor.

The tournament brought a calibre of competition Nakusp doesn’t often get to see. Participating were some AA teams from bigger schools where the sheer population difference allows the teams to draw from a much larger group of kids.

O’Connor added, “They’ve done a good job, but we aren’t there yet when it comes to playing above our level. These are a lot of young guys who have held their own and continued to try. They have put a good effort out every time. We only have three players that are in Grade 12, thus leaving the team, so we hope to do better in our next season.”


Arrow Lakes News