27 people turned out for the Work/Fun Day at the Tweedsmuir Ski Cabin on December 9

27 people turned out for the Work/Fun Day at the Tweedsmuir Ski Cabin on December 9

Brand new Tweedsmuir Ski Cabin near completion

Brand new Tweedsmuir Ski Cabin near completion thanks to volunteer efforts

Sunday’s, December 9 Work Party/Fun Day was a great success up at Eastbranch, Tweedsmuir Park. The weather was beautiful and we had 27 bodies (moms, dads, babies, kids, and grandparents) helping rebuild the overnight cabin, play in the snow and eat hotdogs!

The rebuilding of the overnight cabin, which was burnt in the 2009 wildfire, has been progressing thanks to the dedicated support and help of volunteers. To date we’ve managed to raise the log shell, floor, and roof, install windows and doors, complete the perma-chinking, and install the stove and chimney pipe.

The Sunday work party then managed to add some extra support posts to the roof, and build an outhouse as well as vacuum and clean the interior logs and apply a complete coat of varnish to them. The following Sunday then found a few more dedicated soles completing the final coat of varnish and the window trim.

With the varnishing complete we are now hoping to move forward with the furnishings. Next on the list includes installing the sink and kitchen counter and hauling in furniture, mattresses, kitchen table and beds as well as installing the propane system and lights.

An extra special thanks to Rob Stewart and Ken Courbould, who have spent countless hours volunteering their time and skills to rebuilding the new cabin, we couldn’t have done it without them, and their dedication and support to the ski club is outstanding

As of right now the cabin is a work in progress, and there is no definite completion date, however we will be sure to let everyone know when the cabin is available for bookings and use. A great big thanks to everyone who has and is helping with the rebuilding efforts, this new cabin will hopefully be around for generations of Valley folks and winter enthusiasts to enjoy.

Thanks and hopefully we’ll see you out for the next work party and up at the hill this winter!

Send us an email if you’re interested in helping out: tweedsmuirskiclub@gmail.com or check out the website: www.tweedsmuirskiclub.com





Coast Mountain News