Brittany Graham – goaltender/midfield

100 Mile House U15 Girls rep soccer player Brittany Graham is ready for the provincials in her hometown

Brittany Graham

Brittany Graham

Brittany has been playing soccer since she was a “little kid” and says she loves the game.

“I didn’t think we would make the Provincials this year, but it is pretty cool that we have made it. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.

“We’re going to learn a lot – like positional plays and stuff.”

Brittany says she thinks the 100 Mile House team will do pretty good, but it will be hard playing against the Lower Mainland teams.

“But I think we’re going to learn a lot and it’s going to make us stronger for next year.”

Brittany says the girls want to have all of the parents and friends to come to their games because it will give them more support, especially if they don’t get some decent outcomes.

Noting she hasn’t been involved in something with an opening ceremonies and a big banquet, Brittany says she thinks, “It’s going to be really cool. I’m looking forward to it.”


100 Mile House Free Press