Bruins Pee Wees take third at home

Strong goal tending and solid defence back up tough breaks at other end of ice.

Blain Worthing slaps one past Fraser Lake.

Blain Worthing slaps one past Fraser Lake.

The Burns Lake Bruins took third place over the weekend in a Pee Wee A tournament at the Tom Forysth Arena in Burns Lake. The winning goal in the hard-fought battle for third against Fraser Lake was scored by Devan Anderson making it 3-2 for Burns Lake.  It was an improbably tight shot that Anderson flipped up and over the Fraser Lake Goalie’s left shoulder from within a few feet of the net.

From that point on Burns Lake held onto their lead despite a lot more scoring chances on both sides. Bruins goalie Cameron Peterson held off a one man-advantage after Fraser Lake pulled their goalie at the close of the third period. Fraser Lake rushed their goalie back out to net when Gracie Janzen broke away from deep in the Bruins end to almost make it to the empty net.  Her defensive play, as well as Peterson’s and Braden Puglas’ play in net drew loud cheers from the hometown crowd all weekend.

Friday’s opener saw Burns Lake tie Prince George  1-1.  Saturday afternoon had the Bruins beat Terrace in a lopsided 8-2 game.  Despite the score it was a tough game. Terrace never backed-off and barely kept their aggression in check as they refused to give up.

Saturday evening Burns Lake played Prince Rupert.  It was a long way to travel for Rupert to pull-off a 3-3 tie, and they were lucky to do that.  The first period was played mostly in the Rupert end with Burns Lake scoring two unanswered goals.

Rupert picked up their game in the second period, with a wild shot getting past Burns Lake just before the period was interrupted for ice maintenance. Rupert kept up their momentum and took the lead, until Steven Strizich scored on a fast breakaway to tie the game going into what would be a scoreless third period.


Burns Lake Lakes District News