Bulldogs hit 50 years

Golden anniversary: Celebrations begin this weekend.

Cowichan Football’s 50th anniversary celebrations will kick off this Saturday with a tailgate party at McAdam Park.

The festivities begin at 12:30 p.m., and all players, families and alumni are invited to join the party, including a barbecue and games. All current players registered for the fall 2015 season get a free lunch.

“We encourage all alumni to come and be part of the celebrations this season,” Cowichan Football president Jennifer Lawrence.

Further celebrations are planned for October. Keep an eye on the Bulldogs’ website at www.cowichanfootball.com for more details.

Prior to the tailgate party, the Bulldogs are holding a Football 101 clinic for players’ parents and other family members, run by the Bulldogs coaches.

“This is a terrific opportunity for new parents and returning to learn more about the great game of football,” Lawrence said. “There will be both classroom and on-field time.”

Practices for the Bulldogs’ fall 2015 bantam and midget teams have already started, and training for the peewee and junior bantam teams will begin soon. Registration is still open for players born between 1997 and 2006, and is available online at cowichanfootball.com

Cowichan Valley Citizen