Busy night for Ladies Golf

Golfers on Ladies Night, July 3, shared the course with a large group of fun seekers

The 18 golfers on Ladies Night, July 3, shared the course with a large group of fun seekers who were definitely having a great time.

The weather was perfect and the stiff breeze kept all the biting bugs away.

Who could not enjoy a round of golf under these conditions? Although with the hot temps my ball did not seem to fly as far as usual. Who knew!

We had two guest golfers from Chinook Cove, Carol Willox and Rose Seymour. Carol went home with a Low Gross and Long putt prize. Hope to see more guest golfers out this year.

And the winners are: Low gross – Debbie Pearce, Carol Willox, Abbey Bates; Low net – Marg Anderson, Larissa Hadley, Eileen Sedgwick; KP – Joan Slingsby, Abbey B.; Long drive – Carol Hindle, Joan S., Rosemary Harley; Long putt – Carol H., Carol W., Joan Streadwick; Least Putts was shared between Carol H. and Debbie P.; Most putts- Joan Streadwick; Carol H. was the only one to lose a ball in the water hazard on #1.

Anna Mae Dee was closest to the windmill on #3, Joan Streadwick got the longest putt for all flights and Larissa H. was the most accurate driver on #4 by being the closest to the accuracy line. Well done Rissa. Joan Slingsby won the deuce pot with a lovely 2 shot on #5.

Our sponsors were – Painted Turtle Restaurant, Century 21 Realty, Safety Mart, Absolute Hair, Wells Grey Inn, Home Hardware, TNT, Rona, Pharmasave, The Caboose, Clearwater Computers, and O’Bryans Café.

Thanks to our guest golfers, Heinz and Linda and everyone who came out. Hope Carol, Debbie and Tanya had a great time at the Merritt Tournament and will share all the stories with us over a great dinner and cold beer.


Clearwater Times