BV Regional Pool and Recreation Centre (File photo)

BV Regional Pool and Recreation Centre (File photo)

BV Pool not opening yet

Staff are working on kids summer camps and planning on reopening soon

The Bulkley Valley Pool and Recreation Centre is working on re-opening soon but does not have a date set yet.

However, the staff is focusing on exploring creative outdoor programming to offer summer kids camp programs.

In a press release from the pool staff, it states the current understanding is that outdoor activities are to be prioritized from a transmission perspective and that there is a strong need in our community for outdoor programming.

“From what we know from Dr. Henry messaging, outdoor activities have a lower risk for covid transmission,” said facility manager Tamara Gillis. “With this in mind, this will be our starting point to offer some engaging and fun summer programming for kids.”

The staff’s second priority is a review of the facility function in light of provincial guidelines and creation of a re-opening plan that will meet physical distancing requirements and all of the new policies and training required to operate safely in the new normal.

“What we do know is that facility usage will look different in the time of covid and we are working on what that will look like to keep everyone as safe as possible,” added Gillies. “Opening will be limited in nature and progressive. At this time we do not have estimated timeline, we encourage people to keep watching our website for updates.”

Acting Mayor Gladys Attrill added that recreation is important.

“The pool is important for therapy, it’s important for recreation, it’s how people relieve mental stress,” she said. “It needs to be done well, of course, because people need to feel safe and secure when they go there, but every piece is important. The recreation facility helps with activity and mental health.”

Facility memberships will continue to be on hold and restarted once the pool and rec centre is opened again.

Smithers Interior News