Funding has been secured for the new Campbell River Bike Park, located at the Sportsplex in Willow Point. Photo by Marc Kitteringham – Campbell River Mirror

Funding has been secured for the new Campbell River Bike Park, located at the Sportsplex in Willow Point. Photo by Marc Kitteringham – Campbell River Mirror

Campbell River bike park receives full funding

Looking for volunteers help to finish project

Thanks to an outpouring of generosity, Campbell River will have another reason to call itself a cycling destination.

The Campbell River Bike Park society posted on their Facebook page that they were close to their budget, but had a bit more to go. They have now reached that goal.

“We had raised around $9,600 and posted that we were $2,400 short,” said Campbell River Bike Park Society president Wendy Ravai . “Apparently the next day someone went in and wrote a cheque for $2,400.”

“It’s been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride,” she added.

Now the society is looking for help in finishing the siding on a shed located on the property, which is adjacent to the Sportsplex property in Willow Point Park.

“We had gotten cedar shingles donated to finish the shed, but it took a while for us to get them, so the whole process has been delayed,” she explained. “We’re looking for a few volunteers who are willing to give a few days and who have some experience to help finish the shed.”

The construction on the project itself is waiting for the design approval from the city before moving to the construction phase, hopefully by the end of June. Though the project has been slowed somewhat by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ravai says that the timing of the project is working nicely.

“We’ve found with COVID-19, everything is taking longer, everyone is more conscientious about travelling, having more facilities in our own community to engage in and partake in is going to be super important,” Ravai said. “It’s such a well-timed project for the situation that we’re in.”

Though the group has reached its funding goal, they are still accepting donations. Ravai said that sometimes projects do go over budget, and any overages will be used to cover these costs. Any funds that are above this will go to the Sprockids program. Sprockids gives children the chance to learn mountain biking skills. Kids aged 5 and up can join the different levels of programming to meet their needs. Skills taught

range from basic trail riding and etiquette to stunts and bike maintenance.

“We still need the insurance and the training, which takes some upfront money,” Ravai said. “Then proceeds from the Sprockids gets put back into the mountain bike park, so it’s a win for everybody.”

More details on the opening date of the park are to be determined. Those intersted in volunteering to help finish the shed can reach the society at

RELATED: Campbell River Bike Park Society gets $85,000 from city to begin construction this spring

Swicked to Donate $4,000 to the CR Bike Park

marc.kitteringham@campbellrivermirror.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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