Coach Ricky Millns giving feedback to Siena Blaseckie, Katie Revoy and Kate Cooledge after their Eliminator swims. Ronan O’Doherty photo/ Campbell River Mirror

Campbell River Salmon Kings swim club hosts Courtenay Blue Devils for mini meet

Centennial pool sees swimmers for first time since being refurbished

  • Jul. 19, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Salmon Kings were making waves in a mini swim meet versus their rivals from the south on Saturday, July 17.

Centennial Pool played host to the Courtenay Blue Devils in its first event since being refurbished.

Seventy-four swimmers attended, with 60 Campbell River swimmers taking part.

“This was our first meet in a long time,” said Salmon Kings secretary, Cathy Revoy.

The entire 2020 swim season was cancelled, and most training for the 2021 season has been hindered due to health restrictions.

“Now that training has resumed for youth sports, there has been quite a lot of interest in the club,” she said.

“It has been a long haul, and the club is extremely happy to return to the newly renovated outdoor pool to train in the sunshine.”

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The Campbell River Salmon Kings summer swim club has been a part of the community since 1962. Next year will mark the club’s 60th season, and the 55th year at the outdoor pool.

Most years, the club would host an annual swim meet for the entire Vancouver Island region, with upwards of 400 swimmers attending over the two-day event.

“It entails the usual swim meet, as well as a salmon barbeque and an air band competition on the Saturday evening,” Revoy said. “There is also camping in the Centennial Park for the families who travel from elsewhere.

“This is usually the only fundraiser opportunity for the club throughout the year and it has been difficult without that funding. We are very hopeful things will return to normal next year and be able to host our full event.”

For many young swimmers, Saturday’s meet was their first swim meet ever, so the excitement level was high. Coaches Ricky Millns and Sydney Boyle even swam a few events in front of their cheering teammates.

Highlights of the day included mixed (male and female) Medley and Freestyle relays, novice races for swimmers as young as five, and the Eliminator races.

The Eliminator is an event where the top six swimmers from the 100 metre Individual Medley compete to be the last one standing in a set of randomly picked 50m swims.

The Eliminator winners were:

Junior girls – Callie Blasco (Blue Devils)

Junior boys – Grayson Wright (Salmon Kings)

Senior girls – Kate-Lynn Revoy (Salmon Kings)

Senior boys – Finn Miyagi (Salmon Kings)

“The Salmon Kings would like to thank the many sponsors, officials, volunteers and swim families who helped to make this event a huge success,” Revoy said.

ronan.odoherty@campbellrivermirror.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Campbell River Mirror


Racers take a dive at the first swim meet in Campbell River this year. Ronan O’Doherty photo/ Campbell River Mirror

Getting to compete again for the first time since the pandemic began was fun for everyone. Ronan O’Doherty photo/ Campbell River Mirror

Hannah Herschler and Katie Revoy dive into Centennial Pool on Saturday. Ronan O’Doherty photo/ Campbell River Mirror

Finn Miyagi mid-stroke at this weekend’s mini-meet at Centennial Pool. Ronan O’Doherty/ Campbell River Mirror

Finn Miyagi out touches his Courtenay opponent to win the Eliminator challenge. Ronan O’Doherty/ Campbell River Mirror

Hannah Herschler ready to start her final Eliminator race. Ronan O’Doherty photo/ Campbell River Mirror