Campbell River’s Jorgensen clinches win – focuses on BC title

Campbell River native, Kaitlynn Jorgensen, captured a unanimous decision victory over Sarah Van Sandt on Friday night at Legendary Fight Promotions in Bellingham, Washington.

Campbell River's Jorgensen clinches win - focuses on BC title

Campbell River native, Kaitlynn Jorgensen, captured a unanimous decision victory over Sarah Van Sandt on Friday night at Legendary Fight Promotions in Bellingham, Washington.

The match was a full rules Muay Thai bout which meant competitors were permitted to strike with kicks, knees, punches and elbows. Jorgensen outmatched her opponent in all aspects of striking, landing sharp jabs and two very solid head kicks.

Beyond the striking, Jorgensen dominated her adversary in the clinch (when two fighters come close enough to grab each other by the neck, or put their arms around the body). Jorgensen was able to control Van Sandt, dumping her to the mat numerous times over the course of the bout.

After the win, Jorgensen commented on her performance: “I felt great, super strong. I was able to use what Kru (Coach) and Chris (Head Trainer) taught me. My opponent was fast, but I was able to implement what I know.”

Jorgensen has little time to sit back and enjoy her win as she will be competing for a British Columbia Kickboxing title on February 22nd in Vancouver against Stephanie Palisse.

“I am so stoked for this opportunity,” said Jorgensen when asked about the title fight.

Jorgensen trains out of the Heart and Soul Muay Thai gym in Campbellton with about 12 other fighters who make up Team Bastian. The team is named after their world champion coach, Kru Sandra Bastian, and mentored by Head Trainer, Chris Fair.

For Jorgensen and Team Bastian, Feb. 22 will be the first opportunity to capture a title. Jorgensen has been training in Muay Thai Kickboxing for about three years under coaches Kru Sandra Bastian and Chris Fair. Most members of Team Bastian are also in their early days of training, but this has not stopped them from dreaming big and seeking new challenges.

Jorgensen has been a very active fighter over the past two years with ten total fights. Even as a relative newcomer to the sport, Kru Sandra Bastian believes Jorgensen is ready, and has earned the opportunity to fight for a BC Title:

“Over the past two years I have watched Kaitlynn grow as a person. She completely shifted her training both physically and mentally. Not only has she become stronger physically, but more importantly, mentally. She puts in long hours at the gym and we don’t let her quit. She pushes harder than most and continues to improve.”

It is quite obvious to see that Jorgensen and Bastian have developed a special relationship with a high level of mutual respect and genuine care. When asked for any final comments about Jorgensen and her fight journey, Bastian grinned and said, “She makes me smile, and proud, and I look forward to watching her succeed.”

Campbell River Mirror