The only retiring Swicked Cycles owner James Durand expects he'll do is retiring customers' bikes. Photo submitted

Can slower actually be faster?

By James Durand

  • Jun. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

By James Durand

Years ago when I was racing downhill (DH), an older more experienced racer told me “10 per cent slower is really 10 per cent faster.”

He was talking about flow and precision on a DH race run. His concept was that if you plan ahead, calculate your run, and ride a little less panicked, you may ride lower in some sections, but the overall race run is faster.

Back then I didn’t have kids, or a business, to be honest I didn’t even work that much, so slowing down to get faster seemed like a no brainer. He was right. I became a faster rider and achieved better race results because of it.

These days I find myself panicked and rushed. I have too may things on the go, kids who need a ton of attention, and work is insanely busy.

With all this I just run faster, squeeze in more tasks, and sadly, in the end I seem to get less done.

This morning my buddy at R4 Mechanical is at my house finishing up a project, I have an article to write, and I was running late for work.

I organized for the plumber, scrambled my kids to the school bus, and raced off to work. I got to work just on time thinking how efficient I am, only to realize I had forgotten my lap top, left my lunch on the kitchen counter, and apparently forgot my dog. He was still tied up in my front yard instead of happily napping in the back seat of my truck.

As I drove back home, wasting another 30 minutes, I remembered the advice I had received all those years ago and wondered if I can apply this to life as well as racing?

I’m James Durand and I’m Going’ Riding’, unless I forget my bike at home…

Campbell River Mirror