Lorne Carnes practices his game on the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club green. The club is hosting an open house on Saturday.

Lorne Carnes practices his game on the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club green. The club is hosting an open house on Saturday.

Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club opens doors to public

Downtown Victoria club hosts open house on Saturday

Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club members will demonstrate the sports of lawn bowling, croquet and bocce at an open house Saturday (April 12).

“Everyone is welcome to drop by and try their hand at any of these sports,” said club games chair Lorne Carnes.

“Age or experience is no barrier. We want everyone to come out and give it a try.”

The lawn bowling club, located in Cridge Park, has been a mainstay of downtown Victoria since 1923, but over the last few years has added croquet and and bocce to the mix.

“This club is evolving,” Carnes said. “We’re offering programs that will appeal to a wider segment of our population and make better use of our greens. We look at ourselves as a downtown recreation centre.”

The open house will see demonstrations and instruction of all three sports.

The lawn bowling season starts May 1 and runs to the end of September. Bowling lessons are offered every Wednesday. There are daily draws at 1 p.m. throughout the season. Club tournaments are open to everyone.

Members are encouraged to participate in year-round croquet and bocce programs or join the choir. Darts and cards are organized in the off season.

“We’re very keen to welcome new members from the neighborhood,” said Carnes.

The open house runs from 1 to 4 p.m.


For more information, please go online to downtownlawnbowling.ca.



Victoria News