Canadian Team, Eh!

Now, we’ve got some pride that we can’t hide

About our hockey team.

Now, we’ve got some pride that we can’t hide

About our hockey team.

They beat Chicago in seven games.

It seemed like a great dream.

They won three games, then slacked off,

But, did the best they could,

And then stormed back to wind it up,

Which we all hoped they would.

They never went this far before.

Just could never find the gears.

Let’s hope they get it all down pat.

See, it’s been 40 years.

They’ve got some players that work real hard,

So, hope they keep it up.

If they bang and check and crash the net

They’re bound to win the cup.

Yes, I hope they really buckle down

And show us what they’ve got,

But, I wish they had young Rypien back

To help them stir the pot.

So, if they could win it all

They could finally tame the beast,

And show just what we have out west.

It’s not all won back east.

It’s the only Canadian team that’s left

So, let’s wish them all the luck.

Let’s shout out loud to show we’re proud.

See, we’re really all Canucks.

For those that fell off the wagon

Well, come and climb back on.

Stand up and cheer or have a beer

Before the season’s gone.

Come wave their flag and kind of brag

For all the world to see,

And show some pride that we can’t hide

From all parts of B.C.

Williams Lake Tribune