Candy Crushers roll right over Rotten Apples

The junior roller derby battle of Vancouver Island went to the Candy Crushers.

Mad Max (a.k.a. Max Gallagher) skates for the Candy Crushers during the May 28 match.

Mad Max (a.k.a. Max Gallagher) skates for the Candy Crushers during the May 28 match.

The junior roller derby battle of Vancouver Island went to the Candy Crushers when the Cowichan/Nanaimo team played host to Victoria’s Rotten Apples at the Cowichan Exhibition on May 28.

The Crushers easily defeated the Rotten Apples by a final score of 290-133.

“It was a great game,” head coach Miss B Haven (a.k.a. Amanda Gould) said. “We always love playing the Rotten Apples and will be heading down to their turf in September for a rematch.”

Duncan’s own Brutal Noodle (Rory Lynn Bradshaw) was named MVP for her fierce jamming.

The Candy Crushers have one more home game, in Nanaimo on July 2, then travel to Calgary for the CRDI tournament on June 18 and 19.

For more information on the team, look up the Candy Crushers Junior Roller Derby Society on Facebook.


Cowichan Valley Citizen