Cascade men beat the Blues 5-0

The University of the Fraser Valley Cascades men’s soccer team defeated Capilano University Blues, 5-0, in North Vancouver.

The University of the Fraser Valley Cascades men’s soccer team defeated Capilano University Blues, 5-0, in North Vancouver.

Craig Robinson led the Cascades with two goals, and singles were scored by Ryan Liddiard, Trent Mayer and Sasa Plavsic.

“A good defensive display, as well as scoring five goals,” head coach Alan Errington, said of the game.

Jordan Tipton was a standout at left back for the Cascades. Once again the team finished the first half with eight rookies on the field and played as a solid unit.

“The Team Spirit is very good at the moment and we are now looking forward to the last three games of the pre-season in Los Angeles next week, said Errington.

Abbotsford News