Castlegar charity hockey game happens Saturday

Game will take place at the Community Complex to raise funds for community groups.

This year’s Christmas Classic Hockey game will feature Team Gienger vs. Team Price at the Castlegar Community Complex on Saturday, Dec. 21 from 7 to 9 p.m.

It will feature a $5,000 shoot-to-win in the first intermission, sponsored by Tyler Gienger and the Castlegar Realty team with proceeds to benefit the IRIS (Increasing Recreation Involving Seniors) Project.

Along with the shoot-to-win there will be a beer, wine and spirits garden and many other raffle prizes and draws. After the game the dance will be at complex banquet room from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Hockey game is free and tickets to the dance are $10, available at the game and at the door.

Come out to the Christmas classic hockey game, enjoy the atmosphere and see old friends like you used to. After the game, walk down the hall to the dance and celebrate the night away. This is all for a good cause, and most importantly a good time to see everyone over the break.

“We started this thing as a small hockey game to just bring friends together and have a couple frosty pints,” says event creator Bergen Price of the success of the Christmas Classic.

“Over the past eight years we’ve been able to help raise over $12,000 towards local groups like the Rebels, Selkirk Saints, CGHL and the Castlegar Broomball Association and this year we’re excited to put our focus towards raising funds for IRIS. These days, we’re all about have a great time for a great cause. The Christmas Classic is a very family friendly event so I encourage all to come out and attend the dance.”

“IRIS is thrilled to be partnering with the Hockey Classic on Dec. 21 to raise awareness and funding to support events and resources for local seniors,” says Sandi McCreight, co-ordinator of the IRIS Project.

“Community partnerships are key to ensuring ongoing programming, but also to raising awareness of issues seniors may be facing including isolation and poor nutrition, and for our community to prevent, recognize and challenge ageism, elder abuse and neglect. We are part of the BC Association of CRNs and are happy to provide tax receipts for donations of $20 or more.”

​For more information on the event, please email Price: and for more information on IRIS please contact McCreight, 250-608-0706 or

Castlegar News