The banner being raised in this photo has been removed while the Castlegar and District Recreation Commission is in the process of formulating a new banner and wall of fame policy.

The banner being raised in this photo has been removed while the Castlegar and District Recreation Commission is in the process of formulating a new banner and wall of fame policy.

Castlegar Complex manager Crockett explains disappearance of Tassone banner

New banner and wall of fame policy in the works at Castlegar & District Community Complex.

Castlegar News reported Feb. 7 that the Castlegar Rebels had recognized Bruno Tassone for his contributions to local hockey at a banner raising ceremony at the Castlegar District Community Complex (CDCC).

Since then the banner has been removed and CDCC manager of recreation Jim Crockett explains why.

“The recreation commission is reviewing the banner and wall of fame criteria right now,” he said.

Crockett explained that community complex user groups can hold recognition ceremonies during their events whenever they want, but that does not mean that those recognition pieces — such as banners — will remain up permanently.

“There was kind of a loose criteria for the wall of fame and the banners,” said Crockett, “so we just wanted to get everything nailed down so there weren’t any controversies in the future.”

The new policy will not be ready for a while as the commission is currently busy with the 2017 budget and planning upcoming public input sessions for possible complex expansions.

Even though Rebels president Mike Johnstone believes Tassone’s banner should be hung, he is understanding of the policy review.

“I understand you don’t want every club that has an association there just coming in and raising banners, but we thought that someone with Bruno’s history would just be a no-brainer.”

He also feels confident that in the end Tassone’s banner will be permanently installed.

“When all is said and done and they come up with that criteria, if someone like Bruno Tassone doesn’t meet that criteria, I don’t know who will,” concluded Johnstone. “So I fully expect that his banner will go up.”

Castlegar News