Castlegar Golf Club good to go

Another great season about to begin at Castlegar's flagship golf location

A brightening lick of paint on ceiling is part of a freshened clubhouse at the clubhouse.

A brightening lick of paint on ceiling is part of a freshened clubhouse at the clubhouse.

An open house was held last Sunday at the Castlegar Golf Club (just up the hill from Highway 3A in beautiful Ootischenia) and the enthusiasm was palpable.

A good turnout was on hand to sign up or learn about memberships, enjoy a zesty, sizable snack table, and, naturally, talk some golf.

With any sport or pastime people are passionate about, a prolonged absence makes for a lot excitement when it’s about to make a comeback. As with opening day in Major League Baseball, the anticipation of a golf course opening for the season takes on an almost spiritual quality.

There are instantly noticeable changes in store for everyone entering the clubhouse at the Castlegar Golf Course. Rounds will be discussed and meals enjoyed in considerably brightened surroundings thanks to to some strategic painting and other decorating touches.

The best news is that, according to general manager Brian Miller, the course has wintered well and there is no reason to think anything can get in the way of the scheduled April 5 opening.

Miller also had compelling information concerning the solid value available with a membership. The price of a membership, to be enjoyed for the seven months the course is open, is equal to just 23-24 rounds at the regular rate.

Back to the physical side of things.

“We’ve got some new machinery out there,” said Miller during a brief lull in the action. “So we’re hopng to have even more consistency on the greens. These new vibrating rollers take all the bumps out of the greens… it’s going to be great this year.

“Coming through the winter this is as good as it gets.”

Castlegar News