Castlegar golfer recognized at B.C. Games for leadership

AJ Roberts won a Coast Capital Savings Leadership Bursary.

AJ Roberts came back from the B.C. Games with more than he expected.

The 16-year-old Stanley Humphries Secondary School student was one of 16 athletes recognized with a Coast Capital Savings Leadership Bursary at the closing ceremony of the games. The recipients were chosen from over 200 applicants for their significant achievements in sport and education, but most importantly for their leadership contributions to their schools, community or sport associations.

Roberts was part of the Kootenay Zone 1 golf team that also brought home bronze medals.

“It was a great time,” said Robertsof participating in the B.C. Games. “It was the most fun I have had at a golf tournament ever. I met a bunch of people and made a lot of friends.”

Roberts has already headed off on his next adventure — a Rotary student exchange to Sweden for the next 11 months. He will spend his Grade 12 year abroad, but will be back in time to start golfing again in June.

B.C. GamesCastlegar News