Cedar girls play for their school one last time

Cedar Secondary School’s senior AA girls’ volleyball team begins play today (Nov. 28) at provincials in Surrey.

It’s quite possibly the last provincial championship ever for the Cedar Spartans, so the motivation is sure there.

Cedar Secondary School’s senior AA girls’ volleyball team begins play today (Nov. 28) at provincials in Surrey, following a runner-up finish at the Islands a week and a half ago. A win over host Brentwood College in the semifinals advanced the girls to the big dance.

“They played outstanding … They knew it was do or die at that point,” said Trisha Randen, co-coach of the team. “Since the beginning of the season we said we want to make it to provincials, we want to medal at provincials. As soon as we won that match they were just over-the-moon excited.”

Since then, players have shown an eagerness to try to get even better so they can peak at provincials.

“Cedar’s closing and this is the last year we get to represent our school. It’s sad,” said Randen, a Cedar alumnus. “But we’re determined and we’re all going in with the mindset that we’re taking that banner home.”

The Nanaimo District Islanders senior AAA girls and boys and the Dover Bay senior boys are also playing at provincials and Dover’s junior girls played at provincials last week.


Nanaimo News Bulletin