Centennial Sr. Boys seeing success at the net

Centennial Christian School’s Sr. Boys’ volleyball team sitting pretty in the provincial standings

Centennial Christian School’s Sr. Boys’ volleyball team has been sitting pretty in the provincial standings, ranking number one overall in the ‘A’ division.

“We’re certainly happy to be up there,” coach Joel Ringma said. “It’s hard because a bunch of the teams we’re in amongst we haven’t seen and they haven’t seen us, so it’s always slightly guess work to do the rankings for teams up north here.”

The team, mostly returning members from last year and three new Grade 9’s pulled up so the team would have a full roster, has seen success against their main rivals Houston Christian and Bulkley Valley during zone play. Players Nathan Struek and Jason Bandstra received all star awards at the most recent official tournament in Prince George.

“That’s certainly noteworthy,” he said. “Other players, right down to our two Grade 9’s who start, they all play really well.”

The team is co-hosting a tournament with Caledonia this weekend with eight northwest teams competing.

They’ve played exhibition games against Cal this year, as well.

“They’re having a solid year, which is really nice for us,” Ringma said, of the Caledonia team. “Having two teams in Terrace that are pretty decent – probably the top two teams in our northern area – is really nice. Iron sharpens iron, kind of thing.”

Zone championship finals happen Remembrance Day long weekend at Thornhill Jr. gym.


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