Chamber of Commerce holding golf tourney

The golf tourney is one of the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce’s largest fundraisers for the year

The Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce will be holding their 10th Annual Golf Tournament & Dinner event on Thursday, Sept. 13 at DaMamiel Creek Golf Course.

According to chamber member, Karen Mason, the event is one of the organization’s largest fundraisers for the year.

But it’s not all about raising money, as the fundraiser also doubles as a community event.

“It really is meant to be a totally fun, social event,” Mason said.

There are 72 tickets available for the price of $60, which includes a nine-hole game, a hot dog lunch and a steak, salad and potato dinner.

There will also be a golf cart wheeling around the golf course selling beverages.

Although difficult, entrants will have the chance to win big if they bag a hole-in-one on certain holes.

There will be a $10,000 prize for the first hole, and on another there will be a chance to win a Subaru vehicle.

The event also holds a live auction and distributes a wide-array of prizes.

“There’s a full range of prizes and what we do… with a couple of the large prizes is we have a live auction to auction off the higher ticket items,” Mason said.

The tourney will have a 1 p.m. shot gun start.

For tickets contact the Chamber office at: 250-642-6112.

For more information on the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce, visit:




Sooke News Mirror