Chilliwack's Brad Henry soars to aerothlon title in Peru

Chilliwack’s Brad Henry soars to aerothlon title in Peru

The 59 year old won the masters title in a grueling competition that combine three sports.

Chilliwack’s Brad Henry took top spot in the masters division at a 2019 World Aerothlon Championship series race in Peru.

Aerothlon is a triple-sport that combines para-gliding with cross-country running and mountain biking.

“It includes a 10k-1000m vertical mountain trail run to a launch site, where we paraglide and land at a mountain bike transition point,” Henry explained. “We then bike back up the mountain on a track usually 20km or more.

“The event series is held in Mexico, Columbia, Peru and last year for the first time in Pemberton.”

Henry traveled to the province of Cordillera Blanca for the Peru event, which took place June 28.

Henry, who trains at World Gym Athletics in Chilliwack, prevailed in a division that includes men ages 40 and up.

He is 59 years old.

“I placed ninth at Pemberton, after which I made the recommendation to the organizers for a master division at 40 years of age plus,” Henry said. “In the open division I was competing with 20 year top Panama game athletes. With the new division I placed fourth in Mexico, first in Colombia and now first in Peru.”

Chilliwack Progress