The logo of the BC Football Conference Valley Huskers has been crowned as the best amateur football logo in the country.

Chilliwack’s Valley Huskers scarecrow named best amateur football logo in Canada

The Huskers beat the Regina Riot in the final round of Football Canada social media voting

The logo of the Valley Huskers is best in the land.

The spooky scarecrow prevailed in the final round of online voting in a Football Canada social media contest, earning 57 per cent of the total vote (4000-plus ballots) to knock off a tough foe. The logo of the Regina Riot, a team in the Western Women’s Canadian Football League was the runner up.

In the early hours of the 24 hour voting window, the Riot held the lead and it looked like the scarecrow might go down. But a late push by Chilliwackians erased the deficit and earned the Huskers logo the title of best amateur football logo in Canada.

The scarecrow had to stage a similar rally to top the logo of the Regina Thunder (Prairie Football Conference) in the semi-final round, but Huskers president Tom Caverly had no doubt it would prevail.

“Our head coach, Bob Reist, was the inspiration for our logo when he arrived in 2017,” Caverly said. “Bob wanted to re-brand the Huskers’ culture. He was looking for something with an edge that embraced the Fraser Valley and the Husker name. He reached out to his former teammate and coaching colleague John Makie, a Vanier Cup champion, and Makie created the edge Bob was looking for.

“The Valley Huskers want to thank everyone for all their support during this contest. Our program rests solely on community support and the more involvement we have the stronger our program will be.”

On its way to the final, the Huskers logo vanquished the logo of the U-Sports McGill Redbirds in round one. In round two it whomped a BC Football Conference rival, eliminating the Kamloops Broncos. It was a tighter win in the quarter-final round, with the Huskers logo knocking out the U-Sports Acadia Axemen.

Nationwide, the Football Canada contest saw incredible engagement, reaching more than 275,000 people who cast more than 30,000 votes.

“The contest was a huge success and so much fun to run,” said Vanisha Mistry, Football Canada’s communications coordinator. “We loved seeing everyone across the country show so much pride for their team/favourite logo.”

RELATED: Valley Huskers face Regina Riot in final of Football Canada logo contest

RELATED: Huskers logo needs your online vote in semi-final round of Football Canada contest

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