Chimo athletes shine in Abbotsford

Comox Valley gymnasts in top form at Twisters Invitational

Eight athletes from Chimo Gymnastics took part in the Twisters Invitational in Abbotsford this spring.

Newcomer Ariadne Greekas put in a top-10 performance in the Argo 2 category.  Novice 2 competitor Kira Magor finished fifth overall with a third-place podium finish on floor exercise.  Sophia Mossie was first on balance beam with her dynamic routine and third on floor for a fourth place overall finish in the Novice 3 group.

Chimo’s most populated level, Open 3, saw Isabella Pelletier and Kaylee Guignard neck and neck. They tied for first on the uneven bars and fourth on floor, and were second and third respectively on vault.  Pelletier pulled ahead by .1 with a third place overall finish just ahead of Guignard.

Josee Jalbert continued to build new skills in this season with vault being her strongest event in this meet.  Lauren Carr competed a new vault that placed her on the top of the podium on that apparatus for level 4 Open, she finished fifth overall.

Sawyer Sturam rounded out this group close by.  This season has seen some excellent growth year for Chimo’s competitive athletes, many whom have moved up a level.

Much of what these athletes are gaining each season, besides physical strength and increased gymnastics skills, is focus, discipline, work ethic, confidence and experience in goal setting.  Gymnasts only get one chance on each apparatus to do their best, with the exception of vault, which allows two attempts.  Learning to control nerves in a competition setting is a life skill that these athletes will carry into their lives after gymnastics.

Gymnastics classes are available at Chimo, located at the Comox Recreation Centre, for those who would like to take part in this exciting sport.  Whether you want recreational classes or to pursue pre-competitive and competitive gymnastics, there is something for everyone from pre-school on up. Consult the Comox Recreation guide for classes or contact Chimo Gymnastics through their website

– Chimo Gymnastics


Comox Valley Record