Christmas in July coming for Chinook Cove ladies

Ladies Tuesday Night Golf plans fun night for July 24

By Leslie Stirling

Twent-five crazy ladies went golfing in the rain on Tuesday, July 3.  Donna, Vicki and I had an excuse;  Deb Rainer makes us go whether it rains or shines.  But I certainly can’t speak for the sanity of the rest of them.    The only time I can remember being wetter was when Debbie made me go golfing with her and Susan Mitchell in Kelowna and at least that time Susan brought rain gear for us all.  To add insult to injury we played from the whites.  For you non-golfers that means we played from the men’s tees, making the course much longer than when we play from the reds.  As we drove up to each tee box you could hear me mutter “damn whites – whose idea was that?”.  And yes, it was Debbie’s idea.

Donna Salle scored a 51 to win low gross for Flight #1 (by retro) and Susan Mitchell took low net, proving both ladies are not deterred by a little rain.  I scored a 57 to win low gross for Flight #2 proving even I can get lucky now and then.  Christina LeCerf won low net.  Angie Rainer, a most enjoyable cart mate won low gross for Flight #3 with a 58.

Susan Mitchell needed a wheelbarrow to carry home her winnings for her birdie on #7 and KP on #6 (River Adventure Co).  Debbie Rainer (Flight #2) had long drive in 2 on #1 to win the Knights Inn certificate.  Trudy Scarlett did the same for Flight #1 to win the Our Little Secret Consignment Store certificate.  Barb Smith had a long putt on #2 to win the Rainer Custom Cutting for Flight #3.  Chris LeCerf did the long putt thing on #2 for Flight #2 sponsored by Shais Design while Erin Mitchell used a long drive to pick up the Flight #3 prize from Station House Restaurant.  Carol Hindle took home a basketfull of Flight #1 prizes which include KP on #4 (Barb and Carman Smith), KP in 2 on #7 (Barriere Irly Building) and long drive on 8 (Bodi Mekanix).  Debbie LeGaree had a long putt on #5 for Flight #1 to take home the Val-Bella Studio certificate and Angie Rainer had a super long drive in 2 on the same hole (Flight #3 – Barriere A & W).  Sue Paulhus hit closest to the “Lady Golfer” on Hole #8 to win the Barriere Massage certificate and Susan Bondar had a lng putt for Flight #3 on Hole #9 to win the Crystlee’s Hair Design certificate.  I tucked to prizes into my back pocket – Country Store Antiques certificate for long putt on #9 and Jul’R by Lynda Enochsen for the least number of putts used.  Bernice Randrupp took home the Estylo Hair Design prize for using the most putts.

Rest in Peace goodie bags from North Thompson Funeral Services went to Sue Paulhus, Angie Rainer and Barb Smith.  Five prizes went unearned (Carl’s Market Garden, Carol Patton CGA, AG Foods, Ron Wallace Trucking and Stamer Logging) putting the Hidden Score into play.  Winners were Brenda Carl, Joanne Lyle, Evelyn Lucas, Barb Smith and Lynda Beddington.

Supper in the clubhouse was nourishing and noisy, filling the room with laughter.  We wished Barb Smith and Debbie Rainer a happy birthday and celebrated with cake.  I also wished the ladies born from October to March a happy birthday as they always miss out on having their birthdays celebrated.  I didn’t, however, bring a cake for each of them.

And now I am off for points east – Turner Valley, Ottawa and New York City.

The way my luck runs you can expect warm sunny weather for the next three weeks.  Don’t forget our next Ladies Fun Night on July 24th – Christmas in July…turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

Book your team and carts early.


Barriere Star Journal