Kevin Cutjar coaches other cyclists during a training session at the community centre this week. Preparations are currently underway for the city's first indoor triathlon coming up in early February.

Kevin Cutjar coaches other cyclists during a training session at the community centre this week. Preparations are currently underway for the city's first indoor triathlon coming up in early February.

City offers challenge to triathletes

Teaming up with Global Spectrum, the Penticton Recreation Department is hosting an indoor triathlon.

Teaming up with Global Spectrum, the Penticton Recreation Department is hosting an indoor triathlon.

The brainchild of Shelie Best, recreation co-ordinator for the city, the triathlon begins with a 15 minute swim in the Community Centre pool. Athletes then have 15 minutes to make the transition to the South Okanagan Events Centre, where they will bike for 30 minutes and run for 20.

Brewing in her head for a while, Best spoke to local triathlon coach Kevin Cutjar of Impact Multisport Coaching about doing it. The idea also stemmed from Best’s work goal for 2013.

She believes the event, which already has 30 people signed up, will be a success as its being talked about in spin classes.

“There are people talking about how in winter time when you are training, you are just either swimming or biking,” she said. “There is no competitive fun events that you can gear for.”

Once the triathletes complete the swim, in which they will try and complete and many laps possible, and the bike, the run will take them through the concourse of the SOEC.

Winners will receive trophies, first to third for female and male in each category receive medals. Challenge Penticton has also donated a bike jersey for the top male and female and entry for its race this year.

Categories are junior (12 to 17), open (18 to 39) and Masters (40 and over).

Best also said this will be a great spectator event. With Steve King announcing, spectators have the option of watching the swim from the SOEC jumbotron then view the rest in the arena.

“It’s an introduction for people thinking about triathlon,” she said. “You could be riding beside Jeff Symonds for the whole event.”

Symonds and Cutjar are both competing.

The triathlon will be on Feb. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Best said she would like to see 48 people sign up and will cap it at 96, but doesn’t expect to get that many the first year.

Registration is $52 and includes event, drink ticket and buffet at the Vault following the event and age category awards and draw prizes. Athletes can pick up registration forms at the Bike Barn, Peach City Runner and the Penticton Community Center. Drop off completed registration forms with payment at 325 Power Street.  People can also enter online at and enter course number 32758.



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