Claiming the Spalding Cup at Salmon Arm Golf Club

It could have been anyone's year, with just one stroke separating the top teams A Kelowna team won with a Salmon Arm duo a close second.

Consistency: Jeremy Osborne, pictured, and Chris Harrington were the top Salmon Arm golfers at the Spalding Cup Saturday.

Consistency: Jeremy Osborne, pictured, and Chris Harrington were the top Salmon Arm golfers at the Spalding Cup Saturday.

An event that drew more than 200 golfers from B.C., Alberta and even Ontario came to an exciting finish Sunday afternoon at the Salmon Arm Golf Club.

Just one stroke separated the top four teams, with the 2012 Spalding Cup going to the Ben Proskiw/Don Dunford team from Kelowna, a duo who has never won the cup but has been on the hunt for a win for about 15 years. They tallied an overall low gross of 135.

Of the 212 golfers taking part, Salmon Arm played a dominant role, leading all but one flight.

Taking top spot in the championship flight with 136 were Salmon Arm’s Jeremy Osborne and Chris Harrington, closely tailed at 137 by Salmon Arm’s Cody Bell and Canoe Creek Golf Pro Jesse Crowe.

In third in the championship flight with 138 were last year’s champs, Bill and Travis Jordan of Salmon Arm. Fifth were Dave Belway Jr. of Salmon Arm and Steve Doubinin, while Salmon Arm Secondary Grade 12 student Karson O’Keefe and SAS grad Matt Mihal took sixth spot with 141.

Leading the first flight were Salmon Arm golfers Tyler and Monty Jones with 143. The second flight was also led by a Salmon Arm team: Mike Meeuwsen and Cliff McKee.

Topping the third flight were Ron Carter of Salmon Arm and son Warren Carter of Vernon.

In the fourth flight, Salmon Arm’s Vic Wasilenko and D’Arcy McLeod claimed first. Leading the fifth flight were the Duggan and Sommerfeld team from Kelowna.


Salmon Arm Observer