Mike Deeley (left) of NDU Alumni collides with Coastal Vintage FC’s Tony Herbert during a masters division soccer game Sunday.

Mike Deeley (left) of NDU Alumni collides with Coastal Vintage FC’s Tony Herbert during a masters division soccer game Sunday.

Coastal FC set to officially launch

Soccer club to make official announcement Saturday at South Surrey Athletic Park

On Saturday, it finally becomes official – all amateur soccer associations on the Semiahmoo Peninsula will be united under a single banner.

Coastal FC, which combines Semiahmoo (girls), Peace Arch (boys) and South Fraser (premier boys/girls) clubs, has been in operation since the start of the soccer season, but will officially be unveiled Saturday during a busy day at South Surrey Athletic Park.

Having all local associations under one umbrella “just makes sense” said Coastal FC president Darryl Jones, who’d previously served as president for Semiahmoo and South Fraser.

“And if something makes sense, eventually it will get done if the people involved just hang in there.”

The new club comprises approximately 3,000 members, both boys and girls, men and women, Jones said.

The amalgamation of soccer clubs has been in the works, or at least discussed informally, for years – “I think we first started talking about six years ago,” Jones said – but there were always roadblocks, be they paper work and red tape, or turnover on each club’s executive boards.

The process became official last week, Jones said, when they received confirmation from the registrar of companies in Victoria.

And though the process was a long one, the longtime soccer executive member said he and others are simply relieved to have it complete.

“That would be an understatement,” he laughed. “It’s been a mission of mine for quite awhile.”

Saturday’s event begins at 12:30 p.m. and will include an official ribbon-cutting ceremony, followed by autographs signings with current and past members of the Vancouver Whitecaps. There will also be special giveaways planned, as well as a club-hosted tent sale of soccer gear and a barbecue.

For more, visit www.coastalfc.ca

Peace Arch News