Madison Simmonds, 6, holds up her Island Swimming certificate after a swim meet last October.

Madison Simmonds, 6, holds up her Island Swimming certificate after a swim meet last October.

Coho swim club recruiting kids for Island Swim Skills program

It’s time for kids to get out of the potholes and into the pool at SEAPARC as Island Swimming starts up again.

It’s time for kids to get out of the potholes and into the pool at SEAPARC as Island Swimming starts up again.

The Coho swim club is looking for people to join their Island Swim Skills bronze (ages five to eight) and silver (seven to 10) clubs.

“These are pre-competitve groups,” said Coho head coach Gord Veldman. “They do compete, but not in actual sanctioned meets.”

There are six in-house local Island Swimming meets that gives the kids an idea of what they can expect at an advanced level as they get older. The bronze group swims twice a week after school, with the silvers going three times a week.

The idea is to provide a “fun introduction” to competitive swimming. Many of the swimmers in the past have gone on to the next group competing in regional meets all over the Island, but the focus at this stage is to build interest.

“We’re really trying to make them have fun while they learn, that way they stick with the sport.”

Monday was the first day back in the water, but registration is ongoing. To join, give SEAPARC a call at 250-642-8000 or go on their website at

Sooke News Mirror