COLUMN: Winter is here, time to play

For those who were itching to get on the slopes or on the cross-country trails the latest snow storms provided the very thing.

It is easy to forget that only a few green weeks ago we were all wondering if winter was going to bypass us this year. For those who were itching to get on the slopes or on the cross-country trails the latest snow storms provided the very thing responsible for many an ear to ear grin seen about town this week.

The Nelson Nordic ski club held their ski improvement clinics last weekend with each class filled with enthusiastic participants, (of which I was one). If you haven’t tried cross-country skiing yet, you really must.

The NNSC is a well-run group of competent community volunteers so willing to share the local Nordic gem that makes the sport affordable and physically accessible.

Take the 10 minute drive from town to get to the full body workout while breathing in our beautiful fresh air and winter scenery. It’s so worth it. NNSC is offering guided leisure ski sessions for seniors starting February 2 for six consecutive Mondays from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Contact ajpop@netidea for costs and details. Also, there are still spaces available in the Bunnies/BC Rabbits and Track Attack kid programs. For details contact Lisa Butterworth or call 250-229-2116

For an indoor winter activity the Nelson Curling club is offering the junior curling league (youth age 10-18) which started up on January 10 and runs until Spring break. Juniors play Tuesday and/or Thursday from 3:45 to 5 p.m.

Youth can play one day or both, as they like. The Little Rockers league (kids age five to 10) starts up on Thursday, January 15 and runs until March 13. Little Rockers play from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Thursdays.

Helmets are required for Little Rockers. Fees are Little Rockers: $30/child and Juniors: $40/child, plus $15 Curl BC affiliation fee if they are over 14. In both leagues, players need warm layers and clean indoor running shoes.

Glacier Gymnastics Club is offering classes from now until March 21 for Gymnastics For All; Parent & Tot spaces which run weekday mornings. To register, visit or contact or 250-352-2227.

The Kootenay Jiujitsu Club’s Nelson location shares it’s facility (646 Baker Street, under the Dollar Store) with the Nelson Boxing Club. The 2014 Western Canadian champion instructor has coached and practiced grappling since 1993 and is affiliated with Rigan Machado, the Academy founder and heavyweight world champion. For information on classes and fees check out the website and Facebook page. Classes for children and adults available.

The 2015 outdoor Soccer House and Rep registration is now open with Rep deadline on January 31 and House deadline on March 1. To get more information about all programs visit, call 250-551-6972 or drop in the indoor soccer facility at 308 Cedar Street.

The Kootenay Rhythm Dragons will be holding their annual general meeting on February 2 at the Hume hotel at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting thereafter. Those interest in attending should contact Linda Hoffmann at 250-352-5852 or

Nelson Star