Comox ladies count their putts in Tuesday round of golf

Comox Ladies played “count your putts” on July 28. Low gross winner was Patti Harris with 29 putts and Linda Diamond won low net with 31 putts.

Tied for second low gross was Nancy Newton and Linda Baker with 30 and Barb Buchanan tied for fourth with 31. Amber Dufour, Jean Kirby and Grace Coulter tied for second low net with 32 putts.

Bernice Sutherland won the long putt on holes # 3and #12 and Marg Walker sunk her long putt on hole #8 and #17. Nancy Newton won closest to the hole on #5 and #14 which was sponsored by Looneyrama.

Closest to the bucket was won by Doris Ellis and was sponsored by Keith Gibson; in the creek draw was won by Marg Walker and sponsored by Jesse in the Pro Shop; closest to the hole on #7 and #16 was sponsored by The Tee Box and won by Linda Callender; Linda Baker won the prize donated by Panago for closest to the hole in 2 shots on #9 and #18. Barb Buchanan had a chip-in.

On Aug. 4, Lorelei Banford scored 90 to take low gross honours on Tuesday Ladies Day. Low net was won by Yvonne Baker with a 69. Sue Leakey, June Fraser and Nancy Riva tied for second low gross with 93. With a net 70 Barb Buchanan was second and Edith Albrecht and Phyllis Taylor shot nets of 72 and 73 respectively.

Grace Coulter, Linda Verdenhalven, Jean Kirby and Anne Patterson earned jelly bellies for their teams by chipping in the hole. The two long putts were won by Louella Dooe and Linda Baker.

Keith Gibson sponsored the closest to the bucket which was won by Val Pearce. Linda Verdenhalven had an up and down game as she won the draw sponsored by Jesse in the Pro Shop by hitting her ball in the creek and being the closest in 2 shots on #9 and #18, winning the prize donated by The Tee Box.

The prize for being the closest to the flag on #5 and #14 was won sponsored by Looneyrama and won with an amazing shot that ended up 2 feet from the hole, then Lorelei Banford won the gift certificate for closest to the hole in 3 on #7 and #16 with a brilliant putt of 2 feet. This prize was donated by Panago Pizza.

We have had several guests play with the ladies on Tuesday and encourage others to do so as well. Contact the Pro Shop to be put on the list.


– Comox Ladies Golf



Comox Valley Record