Comox ladies play Match vs. Par

Thursday Night Ladies also underway and open to all lady golfers







On Tuesday, May 4, the Comox Ladies played a fun game of Match vs. Par, where each player is pitted against the course in a match play format.

The best players were Patti Harris and Louise Luster, followed by Mary Anne Aikman, Jo Falco, Nancy Newton and Grace Coulter. KPs: Mary Suchla, Pat Schmidt and Jo Falco. Marg Kelly had the longest putt.

Next Tuesday, we will be playing a team scramble. We hope to see all the ladies and their guests at the club at 8 for an 8:30 a.m. start. Make sure to sign up before Monday at noon.

Our Thursday Night Ladies Golf started on May 1, with 29 ladies participating. his league is open to all lady golfers – you don’t have to be a member of the Comox Golf Club. First low gross was Karen Vanetta 43, followed by Jan Dafoe 45. First low net was Carmen deWinter 34, followed by Mary Buchanan 35. Karen also had the fewest putts. KPs: Barb Tribe, Pat Schmidt, Mary Buchanan. Long drives: Laurie Appleyard, Margie Anderson. Long putts: Sheila Doncaster, Pat Schmidt.

We would like to thank our sponsors: Panago Pizza, Playtime Gaming, Loonyrama, the Tee Box Restaurant, Gibby in the Golf Shop, Chinook Forest Products, Kathy Branch Hairstyling, Arizona Gifts and Thrifty’s Foods for their continued support of the Comox Ladies Golf Club.


– Comox Ladies Golf



Comox Valley Record