Comox ladies play on through the rain

Thursday night June 18 was overcast with a few showers but this didn’t deter 17 ladies from coming out to golf.

The low gross winner was Jan Dafoe with a 40 while the low net winner with a sizzling 29 was Barb Siska. Low putts with 14 went to Jan Dafoe. The closest to the pin in three on #4 sponsored by the Bulk Barn went to Janice Nicklin. Longest putts were won by Laurie Appleyard (hole #2) and Nancy Riva (hole #7). Low snips went to Lorelei Banford with a par on #2 and to Jan Dafoe with a chip-in birdie on #7. High snips were shared by Linda Callender with pars on #3 and #9 and Barb Siska with pars on #4 and #8.

The following sponsors provided the draw prizes: Signature Wines was won by Lorelei Banford, Katy Doran and Sue Leakey; Keith Gibson socks won by Nancy Riva; Creative Orthodontics mug was won by Ana Fleck; Kathy Branch’s hand and foot care packs went to Linda Callender; Tee Box Restaurant drink certificate was won by Barb Siska; Mid Island Gifts certificate went to Kim Pierce; Thrifty’s gift card was won by Louise Luster; Arizona Gift of taffy went to Mary Buchanan and a sleeve of balls from Chinook Forest Products went to Linda Broadbent.

Come and join us on any Thursday night as a group or a single. July 30 is our next Fun Night so call the Pro Shop at 250-339-4444 and enter.

– Comox Ladies Golf


Comox Valley Record