Comox men’s golfers play Stableford

Fifty Comox Men’s Club golfers played nine holes of Stableford on a pristine Wednesday evening last week, with the following results:

1st Dave Wood (25 points), 2nd Jim Slater (23), 3rd Bill Wheeldon (22), 4th Martin Hegg (22), 5th Dave Wheeldon (21), 6th Ken Loga (21).

Hole Prizes:

#12  Long Drive 0 -16 Nick Usher, Men’s Club; #13  2nd shot (All) Rob Burrows, Westview Ford Sales; #14  KP (All), Brodie Hornstein,  Men’s Club; #16  Long Drive 17+  Ken Simmons, Men’s Club; #17 2nd shot KP 17+ Darren Lloyd Jones, Thriftys; #18 KP (All) Ken Loga,  Men’s Club,

Deuces were shot by Terry Christie #14 and Ken Loga #18. Snips were achieved by Rob Burrows #17, Jim Slater #12,

Terry Christie #14, Bill Wheeldon #15 and Ken Loga #18.


– Comox Men’s Golf



Comox Valley Record