Comox Tuesday ladies play team scramble

Making things interesting were the temporary greens

On Tuesday, May 13, the Comox Ladies played a team scramble, made a bit more interesting as we had to use temporary greens – the grounds crew were aerating the greens.

The best team was Linda Broadbent, Carolyn Humphries, Pat Schmidt and Linda Verdenhalven. Second low net was the team of Louise Luster, Mary Suchla, Linda Baker and Peg Runquist. Third place went to Amber Dufour, Bernice Sutherland, Marg Kelly and Jean Kirby.

Next Tuesday, we will play regular stroke format. We hope to see all the ladies and their guests at the club at 8 for an 8:30 a.m. start. Make sure to sign up before Monday at noon.

Thursday Night Ladies Golf on May 15 had 36 ladies participating. It was great to see such a good turnout, and to have such a warm sunny day. This league is open to all lady golfers – you don’t have to be a member of the Comox Golf Club. Low gross was Jan Dafoe 40, and low net was a tie between Joan Baudais and Marg Siddall 34. Barb Tribe had the fewest putts. KPs: Nancy Riva, Katy Doran, Jan Dafoe. Long drives: Laurie Appleyard, Carmen deWinter. Long putts: Taylor Dafoe and Barb Tribe. Note: next Thursday we will register at 5:30 for a 6 pm shotgun start.

We would like to thank our sponsors: Panago Pizza, Playtime Gaming, Loonyrama, the Tee Box Restaurant, Gibby in the Golf Shop, Chinook Forest Products, Kathy Branch Hairstyling, Arizona Gifts and Thrifty’s Foods for their continued support.

– Comox Ladies Golf


Comox Valley Record