Comox Wednesday Night men golfers in fine form

Forty-seven Wednesday Night Comox Men golfers played the front nine on beautiful Wednesday evening, June 10 with the following results:

1st low gross: Hcp 0-14 Nick Usher (33), 2nd Butch Williams (34). 1st low gross Hcp 15+  Rick Morrison (38), 2nd Brad Scheck (40 c/b).

Low nets: 1st Dan Bailey (31), 2nd Rick McCaughan (31), 3rd Dave Wood (31), Bill Wheeldon (32), Mike Naso (32).

Eagles for Lawry Willis on #2 and Butch Williams on #8. Deuces for Butch Williams and Nick Usher. Snips for Butch Williams, Nick Usher, Lawry Willis, Terry Christie.

Hole prizes: #2 KP Mike Naso, Thrifty Foods. #3 long drive 0-14 Shawn Vincent, Investors Group (Keith Gibson). #4 KP Butch Williams, Westview Ford. #5 KP  Dan Bailey, Comox Men’s Club. #6 KP Bill Wheeldon, Comox Men’s Club. #7 long drive 15+ Mike Simmons, Bill Wheeldon Construction. #9 KP Mike Naso, Shilo Painting.


– Comox Men’s Golf



Comox Valley Record