Competition, sportsmanship highlighted at volleyball tourney

Three local schools competed in annual volleyball tournament

100 Mile House Elementary Grade 6 volleyball team

100 Mile House Elementary Grade 6 volleyball team

With parents and friends cheering them on, it was an exciting afternoon for the players as they battled it out at the annual Grade 6 South End Elementary Schools Volleyball Tournament, Nov. 27.

There were six teams participating with two mixed teams from each school – host Horse Lake Elementary School, 100 Mile House Elementary School and Mile 108 Elementary School.

There were several close games with the point spreads in the single digits, which added to the excitement.

The 108 Mile Hawks took home first place, with the 100 Mile Wolves coming in a close second and the Horse Lake Lakers finishing in third position.

Spectators were kept refreshed by the host school’s Parent Advisory Council’s concession.

A big thank-you goes out to the Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School volunteer referees.


100 Mile House Free Press