Driving from the backcourt at a charity basketball tournament for KidSport on May 12. Ronan O’Doherty photos

Driving from the backcourt at a charity basketball tournament for KidSport on May 12. Ronan O’Doherty photos

Cops for Kids basketball event a slam dunk

Team Fil-Can showed up with a huge support section

  • May. 15, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A seven-team round-robin Cops for Kids basketball tournament was held in Correlieu Secondary School’s gym on Saturday (May 12).

An entrance fee of $250 per team was contributed towards KidSport, a not-fot-profit organisation aimed at getting children more active.

Six teams from Quesnel participated, as well as one from Williams Lake.

RCMP Officer Josh Nutley and his wife Angele organized the event, which is in its third year.

Officer Nutley acted as referee, while Angele kept score.

“The cheering gets me going,” she says.

“I actually forget what I’m doing over here.

“I’m trying to run the clock and cheer on the teams at the same time, and it’s really difficult.”

While some youth came out to cheer on their Correlieu classmates, the team with the most support was hands-down the Fil-Can team.

Their fans and family took up half of the available bleachers and were exuberent at every basket their team scored.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer