Council Highlights: November 12

The first official meeting of the newly inaugurated Village Council took place on Monday, Dec. 8.

Trisha Shanks

Arrow Lakes News

The first official meeting of the newly inaugurated Village Council took place on Monday, Dec. 8. Mayor Karen Hamling presided over the meeting attended by Councillors Len Heppner, Ulli Mueller and Tom Zeleznik.




The Nakusp and Area Community Forest Board was appointed as moved. The Board is comprised of Kathy C. Smith, Lee-Anne Marshall, Cameron Leitch, Paul Peterson, Frank Poirier, John Cann and Tom Zeleznik.



Well Pump

Council approved the purchase of an additional 75hp pump, to replace the current 50hp pump in Well #2, and that the extracted 50hp pump from Well #2 be designated as a backup in the event one of the well pumps becomes inoperative. Pre-installation, the system requires some electrical and other upgrades and the staff was directed by Council to proceed. The 75hp pump is a large expenditure but Council hopes that this upgrade with a backup on hand will also serve as a preventative measure for any future failures during the height of water usage in summer.



AKBLG Conference Planning Committee

Mayor Hamling and Councillor Ulli Mueller were appointed to sit on the committee formed to plan the Association of Kootenay and Boundary Local Governments conference being hosted in Nakusp in April 2015.



Meeting Schedule


The Council agreed to the meeting schedule for 2015 as stipulated in the agenda, which is two Mondays a month beginning January 12, dropping to one per month for July, August and September and then resuming two until December 14, 2015.



Arrow Lakes News