The Okanagan College Coyotes will host the Calgary Dinos Sunday and Monday in Kelowna.-Image: Douglas Farrow

The Okanagan College Coyotes will host the Calgary Dinos Sunday and Monday in Kelowna.-Image: Douglas Farrow

Coyotes on win streak as Dinos visit

Okanagan College has won six in a row, with Calgary visiting Elks Stadium Sunday

  • Apr. 20, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The Okanagan Coyotes are making some noise in the Canadian College Baseball Conference.

Geoff White’s club will carry a six-game winning streak into this Sunday’s doubleheader ( 4 and 7 p.m.) at Elks Stadium against the Calgary Dinos.

The Coyotes (8-5) and Dinos (3-8) will meet again for a pair of games on Monday at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

OC is coming off a two-game sweep of the UFV Cascades last weekend by scores of 12-7 and 14-3. Jared Frew paced the offense with eight RBIs over the two games.

In the Coyotes’ recent stretch of success, White said key contributions have been coming from all areas of the ball club.

“It’s been a combination of putting up better at bats, we’re definitely doing better offensively,” said White, whose club has scored 64 runs during the streak. “We’ve had better pitching and our defense has been very good, so it’s been an all around effort.

“When we have a game where we don’t pitch well, our hitters come through for us,” he added, “and when we don’t get the timely hits, it seems our defense and pitching get the job done. The guys are finding ways to win.”

White said first baseman Jared Frew—.293, 17 RBIs— along with shortstop Jared Dulaba (.371), have both stepped up as leaders for the Coyotes this season.

“Jared has likely been our most consistent and productive hitter and is really leading the way for us,” White said.

“And Jared Dulaba, our shortstop, is one of our older, veteran guys who is doing well. He’s a fifth year-guy whose experience is really showing.”

Sunday’s games will kick off a busy stretch for the Coyotes who will play their last 17 regular season games in just 20 days.

Due to weather cancellations, some teams will be even busier than OC, including the Dinos who have 22 games on the schedule leading up to the end of the season on May 6.

The CCBC championship tournament will be played May 10 to 13 in Kamloops.

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