Coyotes play six-pack this weekend at Elks Stadium

Okanagan College baseball team will host U of Calgary and TRU in a series of games Friday, Saturday and Sunday

The Okanagan College Coyotes have a busy weekend of collegiate baseball ahead of them at Elks Stadium.

The Coyotes will meet the University of Calgary Dinosaurs four times—at 4 and 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Saturday at noon and again Sunday at 9 a.m.

OC will also see the Thompsons Rivers University Wolfpack twice—Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 2.

“This is another great chance for us to evaluate our guys against two great programs like Calgary and TRU,” said Coyotes’ head coach Geoff White.  “We’ll see these two teams alot during the spring season, so we’ll get a chance to see what they’ve got and what we can prepare for come spring.”

Other upcoming games include an Alumni event Thursday, Oct. 9 at 6:30, a Thanksgiving weekend tournament at Elks Stadium and the 100-inning game on Sunday, Oct. 26.


Kelowna Capital News